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Showing posts with the label Dr. Sudhakar Puli

Can I Brush my Teeth After a Root Canal? | Smile Dental and Implant Centre

Yes, brushing your teeth after root canal treatment is important to help keep the area clean and free from bacteria that could cause infection. Additionally, brushing helps prevent plaque build-up, which can lead to gingivitis.   Brushing your teeth daily is not only important for keeping the gums healthy and helping prevent gum disease, but it also helps remove food particles and bacteria from the tooth surface that can make their way into the root canal.   If you have been given a tooth extraction, you will want to brush your teeth as soon as possible after surgery so that food particles do not collect in there over time.   If you have a tooth that needs further treatment, ask your dentist about how often you should brush after an appointment. If you are having a procedure on your front teeth (called a “punch”), your dentist may recommend a different type of cleaning than if you were having one done on your back teeth (called a “pull”).   Expert De...

Do Invisible Braces Really Work? | Smile Dental and Implant Centre

Invisible braces are a great alternative to traditional metal braces. They’re comfortable and easy to wear, and most people don’t even know they’re wearing them.    Invisible braces, also known as invisible aligners, are a clear alternative to traditional metal braces. They are similar to traditional braces in that they help straighten teeth.   Invisible braces are also less expensive than traditional metal braces. You get a full set of clear aligners for about  Rs.50,000 to Rs. 2,50,000 , which is less than half the cost of traditional metal braces. The main difference between Invisalign and traditional braces is that Invisalign does not need to be removed at night. This means that you can sleep in them and they will stay put all night long. If you have traditional braces, there's always the possibility of them falling out during the night and being lost. With invisible aligners , this isn't a problem because they are fixed all day long and don't have any...