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Showing posts with the label Teeth Cleaning Near me

Does Teeth Cleaning Remove Cavities? | Smile Dental and Implant Centre

  If you're dealing with tooth pain or sensitivity, you might think a cavity is to blame and hope a dental cleaning will fix it. However, while dental cleanings are essential for oral health, they can't remove cavities. Cavities are permanent holes in your tooth enamel caused by acid from bacteria, and once formed, they require more than just cleaning.   Brushing, flossing, or even the most thorough dental cleaning can't reverse a cavity. The decayed part of the tooth must be removed by a dentist and filled with a suitable material. You might wonder about 'deep cleanings,' which are more intensive, but these target gum disease, not cavities. They clean below the gum line to treat periodontitis but don't address the internal decay of cavities.   When you suspect a cavity, the first course of action is to visit your dentist near me for an examination. They'll check the tooth and may use X-rays to see the extent of decay. Then, they'll numb the ar...

Is a Teeth Cleaning Painful? | Smile Dental and Implant Centre

During the teeth cleaning procedure , your dentist will numb your gums with a local anesthetic. You won't feel any pain during the treatment and in the week or so after you should find that your gums feel sore and swollen and your teeth may feel sensitive. Teeth cleaning is a routine procedure that takes place every six months or so. The first step is to prepare your mouth by brushing and flossing, and then the dentist will clean your teeth with a special brush and toothpaste. You may be asked to sit at the end of the dentist's chair, where you'll be looked in the eye and told about what's happening. The dentist will then scrub your teeth with an instrument called an ultrasonic scaler. This produces high-frequency sound waves that help remove plaque from between your teeth. Next, the dentist will apply a local anesthetic to your gums and polish them very gently. This will numb up your gums for about 30 minutes after which they should be feeling normal again. If yo...