When it comes to the cost of rootcanal treatments in A S Rao Nagar, Hyderabad , there are some key differences between traditional and laser procedures. The cost range for traditional root canal treatment in this area is generally between INR 4,500 - and INR 7,500 . This can cover the initial consultation, X-rays, anesthesia, access to the tooth pulp, cleaning and shaping of the canal, temporary fillings, and a permanent restoration or crown if needed. The actual cost varies based on how many root canals are treated and the complexity of the procedure. Molars may be more expensive than single-canal front teeth. For laser root canal treatments in A S Rao Nagar , the typical cost range is INR 5,000 - INR 8,000 . This includes all the same steps as a traditional root canal but utilizes advanced dental lasers to sterilize, shape, and seal the interior of the tooth. Lasers allow dentists to perform the procedure more precisely, with less irritation. However, the special...
Smile Dental and Implant Centre at Ecil and AS Rao Nagar is one of the best dental clinics in Hyderabad, which provides quality dental treatment for free to their valued clients. We offer a wide range of dental services including teeth whitening, root canal treatment, bridges & crowns, braces treatment, and cosmetic dentistry to meet their needs. Book an appointment now at our clinic and get the best dental treatment in Ecil today!