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What are Invisible Braces How They Work | Smile Dental and Implant Centre

Invisible braces are a type of orthodontic treatment that uses the same principles as traditional braces but requires less tooth movement. Invisible braces work on the same principles as traditional wire braces, using the appropriate placement of controlled force to gradually move your teeth into a straighter position. During each stage of the treatment, different teeth can be moved or different forces applied using either aligners or wires and brackets. The main difference between invisible braces and traditional braces is that invisible braces don't require any dental work in order to be placed on your teeth. This means that you don't have to have veneers or crowns made to cover up any spaces created by the brackets and wires used during treatment. Because they don't require any extra work on your teeth, invisible braces are considered an easier option than traditional braces. Invisible braces are most commonly used for patients who have mild crowding caused by mild