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Showing posts with the label Dental Crown Specialist

Are Dental Crowns Painful? Answers from a Dental Crown Specialist | Dr Puli Sudhakar MDS

  If you're considering a dental crown to restore a damaged or decayed tooth, it's natural to wonder about the procedure and what to expect. One of the most common questions we hear is: are dental crowns painful? The short answer is no - your dental crown procedure should not be painful. Let's take a closer look at why.   During your crown preparation and placement appointments , your comfort is our top priority . We use the latest techniques and technology to ensure a smooth, pain-free experience from start to finish. Before we begin any work, the treatment area will be completely numbed with local anesthesia. You may feel some pressure during the procedure , but you should not feel any pain. If at any point you do experience discomfort , let us know right away so we can adjust the anesthesia.   It's important to note that some sensitivity after dental crown placement is normal . As the local anesthesia wears off, you may notice the crowned tooth and surr